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Elevate Your Leadership with Four Essential Practices for an Exceptional Year

January 9, 2024

Perhaps you have created goals you want to accomplish in the new year: exercise more, eat healthier, drink more water, work toward a promotion, complete a certification, deepen connections with your kids, or learn a new language. The beginning of a new year often brings introspection, renewed energy, and an opportunity to be intentional.

Setting goals isn't merely a new year ritual though; it's a principle of effective leadership - one that propels both personal and professional growth. As leaders, embracing this pivotal moment means not just envisioning our aspirations, but mastering the art of translating these visions into actionable goals, fostering a culture of growth, empowerment, and excellence within ourselves and our teams.

If you want to elevate your leadership and your life in the next year, here are four essential leadership practices that can set you up for an exceptional year of achievement and impactful leadership:

1. Priority Plan

It's human nature to procrastinate on the important, larger tasks and work on the smaller details that are easier in the moment. We tend to work on the "busy" stuff like checking email, attending meetings, opening mail, and answering the phone, and then try to fit in the important projects around the trivial things. We let email set the agenda of our day by responding to the pings that are coming into our inboxes. Or we may try to fit in strategic meetings or vacations once the other things are in our calendar.

Part of leading effectively is planning the essential key result areas and professional and personal priorities and proactively scheduling them so that our priorities are reflected in our calendar.

There is a process I use to ensure I am focusing on the most important elements as much as possible: Priority Planning.

Priority planning entails scheduling our most important priorities, projects, coaching sessions, and vacations first, and then scheduling everything around it.  

This may feel counterintuitive because you have a to do list that has action items that need to get done. Yet if you spend your time on the small things, you will never find the time to fit in the bigger, more important projects that have the biggest impact on your results.

I went through this process in late November, and in addition to all of my client engagements, here are examples of things I Priority Planned into my calendar for this year:

  • Three, one-week vacations
  • Three milestone birthday trips with friends (this year is a milestone birthday for me! 😉)
  • Kids activities—including sports, concerts, school picnics, birthdays, and school days off
  • Recurring team meetings
  • Regular massages for self-care
  • Doctor and dentist appointments for me and the kids
  • Conferences and professional development webinars/classes
  • Time away to work on writing my book
  • Date nights with my husband
  • Monthly dinner date with a great friend
  • Dinner dates with another couple
  • Strategy days each quarter to review company goals and regroup
  • Planning time each week
  • Blocks of time in my calendar (I call these Productivity Sprints) to focus on important projects

2. Instill Healthy Boundaries

Some professionals believe boundaries are a luxury; I believe boundaries are essential to exceptional leadership.

Unfortunately, our culture tends to reward busyness and activity, rather than reward intention and results.

What are boundaries? Boundaries are limits you are creating and communicating to preserve your time and energy for the things that matter most. Boundaries not only help us to not overwork, but they also create constraints that increase our focus and productivity.

Time boundaries force us to be creative and clear about how we spend our time. For example, if you don’t have a specific end time to your day, it’s easy to keep working, convincing yourself that you need to catch up. Taking breaks throughout the day, disconnecting on weekends and vacations, and scheduling blocks of time on your calendar to focus on high value tasks are examples of time boundaries.

Parkinson’s law tells us that work tends to fill up the time we allot it. Compressing your workday (leaving by a reasonable time) encourages focus and productivity.

The most successful leaders understand that they won’t get everything done. Our job is to stay on top of the most important key result areas of our job for maximum results.

When you practice setting and maintaining boundaries, you model for your employees a healthy work life balance that allows time for rest and rejuvenation and fosters each person to bring their best energy to work each day.

3. Prioritize Growth (for you and your team)

With five generations in the workplace and constant economic, social, technological, and global change, leaders need to evolve to remain relevant and effective. The best leaders never feel they have mastered everything. They are constantly learning, growing, and improving.

Prioritize your own personal development by identifying conferences, webinars, podcasts, and books that will inspire and educate you to be the best professional and leader for your team.

In your meeting with each employee, ask them what areas they would like to learn about or develop their skills in this year. Encourage your employees to seek out resources to propel their skills. Strategically assess the talent on your team and develop a plan for their growth and improvement. The best approach is to involve each team member in this process so that development is a joint responsibility, and not just the responsibility of the leader.

4. Caretake the Culture

As our society has evolved and different generations have entered the workforce, what people want at work has changed. While most managers were taught to be fixers - handle problems, deal with interruptions, and employ a transactional style, leaders today need to shift from fixing to facilitating.

Effective managers involve employees in decisions, facilitate results by coaching, and develop a relationship with each employee and adjust their leadership style to bring out each employee’s best performance. This is a very important part of leadership; leaders should be spending a significant amount of time coaching, developing, and providing honest, consistent, meaningful feedback.

When an employee struggles, managers should be there providing support and direction. Leaders also need to be approachable, and foster cohesiveness and constructive conflict among their staff. Your job as a leader is to create a positive and results-driven culture - in your functional area, as well as the overall organizational culture.

Caretaking the culture is important for leaders at every level - from CEO to supervisors. One of the best examples I’ve seen of a CEO caretaking the culture is from one of my clients, Steve Wallace, at Maine State Credit Union. Steve sends an uplifting email to his staff every single morning. Make an intention this year to Priority Plan caretaking the culture, whether it’s recurring coaching sessions, team events, recognition, or making time to simply walk around and connect with employees as humans.

By starting the year with reflection and intention, you pave the way for an exceptional year - marked not just by accomplishments, but by a profound impact on yourself, your team, and the organization you serve.

☑️ Priority planning isn't about fitting the big tasks around the small ones; it's a deliberate strategy to carve out time for what truly matters.

☑️ Instilling healthy boundaries isn't a luxury; it's a necessity that fuels focus and productivity.

☑️ Prioritizing growth, both personal and team-oriented, isn't a one-time effort; it's a continuous commitment to evolve and adapt.

☑️ Caretaking the culture isn't an occasional responsibility; it's the cornerstone of fostering an environment where every individual thrives.

Which of these four essential leadership practices have you practiced and will continue, or which will you begin using this year? Let me know in the comments below!

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December 19, 2023

Whenever I have a work project that I keep putting off - I think about delegating that project to someone else - which accomplishes 2 things- it gets the project done and frees us my brain space thinking about it.

Reply from Laurie:
Absolutely, Beverly! We create more time for ourselves, and we can release the mental stress it is taking up.
Melissa Smith
December 7, 2023

Good morning. I loved this read. Thank you so much for sharing. Sincerely, Melissa :)

Reply from Laurie:
You're welcome, Melissa! Thanks for your comment.
November 29, 2023

Thank you for this blog Laurie. I liked most part and specially "As organizations have become more complex, there is a tendency to require employees to do more with less. This is a slippery slope, and often can result in employees feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. One of the biggest contributors to this is not evaluating resources during the strategic planning process." I will use this practice "A best practice is to do what I call Priority Planning—putting important practices on your calendar ahead of time so they become a priority in your day. Examples of activities to Priority Plan include scheduling recurring coaching sessions with each team member, time for strategic thinking and planning, vacations, doctor appointments, important children’s events, and blocks of time for focused work on projects." To be more effective, I will get a good rest so I can have enough energy in the morning. I will read the blog again along with the other links on employee evaluation. Thank you so much Laurie. Best wishes to you and your family.

Reply from Laurie:
So glad you will be implementing these things!
October 23, 2023

this is a test comment

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October 23, 2023


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lynn beisel
October 20, 2023

I love the feedback on the more than 50 hours of work. AND filling time. So true. Unfortunately, showing that you work longer hours is still seen as being a "hard worker" - not sure how to change that though.

Reply from Laurie:
Lynn, I agree that working longer hours is still seen as working "hard" in our culture. I wish this was an easy shift. Our society needs to redefine what being productive means--not related to hours, but true productivity, which I find is not related to hours, but is related to focus. I do think leaders in organizations can model great boundaries and set the tone for their culture. Thank you for your comment!
September 26, 2023

I enjoyed the read. I concur that transitioning from technical skills to delegating results was a task within itself. I did not realize I was almost trying to do the same thing from my previous position, and it was not working. However, I am seeing the results of how delegating daily tasks makes my job and workload easier. Thank you, Laurie.

Reply from Laurie:
Thank you, Krystle! I think this is something most managers are challenged with when shifting from a more technical role to a leadership role. Delegation can really help free up time for the leadership aspects of our job.
August 29, 2023

Thank you for sharing information about your trip Laurie! All 3 things resonate with me - probably #1 being the biggest. I know when I'm gone for a week, I'm still thinking about work and need a vacation when I get back because I did not relax enough. I think your idea of a longer vacation is definitely in my future!!

Reply from Laurie:
I think it takes me a week to just wind down before I can really relax. My goal next year is to take at least one two week (rather than one week at a time) vacation!
Perry Crutchfield
August 22, 2023

Hey Laurie, My take on your list - 1 - everyone has a story - listen 2- social media causes interpersonal problems 5- generational differences create hurdles / earn it you aren't entitled / we should help them get there not give it to them 6 AMEN some leaders I would have followed thru Hell, some I wish - well, you know 7- true BUT be as good as your word and 14- Hopefully we leave some good from our efforts, I know the good leaders I have had have. Seen a lot in my career but it really comes down to treat others the way you want to be treated, fair, honest, and straight forward. Good read. Take care

Reply from Laurie:
I always appreciate your perspective, Perry! I so agree with you that we should treat others with respect, just like we want to be treated. I have also had leaders that I would follow anywhere, and others who I have learned what NOT to do!
August 16, 2023

I love this so much and thank you so much for sharing! I really just love realizing that enjoying the simple things sometimes is the best! Also recognizing that what is important and fun to you may not be everyone else's fun on the on the trip. “Do we get to keep these toiletries?” was my favorite!!!! :):) Glad you had a great time and got to spend it with your family!

Reply from Laurie:
I am so glad you are enjoying the blog post Lisa!
August 15, 2023

I very much resonate with lesson no 3! Thank you Laurie

Reply from Laurie:
Thanks, Sandra!
Beverly Zook
August 14, 2023

I think the part that you might have missed in their top 5 things, some of which were not "Italian" or even different from home, all of them happened with you, both of you. And i think that is what they will remember too. And you've got tons of photos that will remind them of what the Sistine Chapel looked like - then they might remember what it sounded like or smelled like. Oh- and i agree with you 100% about sleep!

Reply from Laurie:
You are so right Bev--it was really about the experience of traveling together. I have on my list to create an album from our trip so we can look back and remember everything we did!
August 14, 2023

LOTS of great take-aways from this post! Thank you for posting! I especially love "slow down to speed up". That's a keeper!

Reply from Laurie:
August 14, 2023

testing blog comment flow

did this come through?
Reply from Laurie:
August 14, 2023

the not getting enough rest to be at my best. definitely need to get more quality sleep and make that a priority

Reply from Laurie:
Sandi Richardson
August 10, 2023

It really is hard to narrow down the 3 lessons into one because they are all so interconnected. You need to give your mind and body THE TIME to relax SO THAT you can enjoy the SIMPLE THINGS, including REST. I enjoyed that lesson as a whole. I will take that lesson with me on my next vacation (or staycation). As always, thank you Laurie for your candor and for sharing your own lessons with others so that we too can benefit.

Reply from Laurie:
Yes, Sandi! Love how you pulled all those lessons together!
Andrea C.
August 10, 2023

Great information and reminders

Reply from Laurie:
Thank you, Andrea!
Arlene Byrd
August 10, 2023

Laurie, Thank you for sharing your trip and these nuggets. The lessons that resonate most with me are it does take time to relax and getting proper rest. When you devote 15 plus hours of your day for work, taking care of home and others; the 6-7 hours you lay down does not cut it! For me during this time I'm trying to unwind and find myself thinking fighting not to think about what I have to do tomorrow. Even after I create a to do list for the next day...I find things I need to add. Taking a day off here and there doesn't cut it as well because of all the plans you have for that day. I try to make sure my Mental Health Days remains just that.... time for me to laugh, cry, scream.... whatever I need to release the cares and stress!

Reply from Laurie:
Yes, Arlene! We spend so much of our time working and often taking care of others, that it can feel challenging to even find time to unwind and rest. I am working on building more margin into my schedule and blocking time off next year for some extra days off to really disconnect and relax.
Stephen Wallace
August 10, 2023

Really enjoyed the article... and all very true!

Reply from Laurie:
August 10, 2023

Since I was already well aware of #1 (I'm in the same boat with taking a long time to relax), I think I'm resonating most with #3. I'm learning to prioritize sleep / rest and it's been wonderful. Love that you said "I love sleep.". :)

Reply from Laurie:
Yes, Tracey, I love my sleep and I prioritize it! I feel a huge difference in my energy and focus if I lose even one hour of sleep. I know a lot of people struggle to get good rest, and for some it is not easy.
July 28, 2023

Welcome back from vacation. Well deserve! Action is the key to success. Shoulder to shoulder, coaching and delegating task to help other employees grow are very important. It is a sacrifice that one must do. Forget about yourself and be with your team day in and out to help them grow, is not always easy. On the long run, your team is stronger, and you can depend on them for the success of the organization. Thank you so much!

Reply from Laurie:
Absolutely agree--action is important for any success. And as a leader, we have to take action--connect with our team, make time for coaching, and showing appreciation. Thanks for your comments!
July 26, 2023

So many great tips here, thank you!

Reply from Laurie:
Thanks so much, Sandra!
July 14, 2023

I am so impressed you're able to disconnect and these are great tips I'll be sure to try on my next trip!

Reply from Laurie:
Let me know how it goes, Tracey! :-)
Becca Levian
July 14, 2023

Such a great post - so inspiring!

Reply from Laurie:
Thank you, Becca!